Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hari Krishna Charlie Brown!! (Festival of Colors Pictures)

Why is there no "A Charlie Brown Pagwah"?  Why restrict his celebrations to Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Halloween?  People love Charlie Brown (Not me, I am not 'people'.  To be clear, I do not like Charlie Brown, except for that dance snoopy does, which warms the cockles of my heart.), and whatever corporation owns the rights to his sad sack depressed life could totally cash in by coming out with a whole series of new holiday specials.  Here are a few samples.  If you happen to own Charlie Brown, these are freebies, feel free to use them.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Multi-Tasking Challenge: Tuesday

Multi-tasking - the art of screwing everything up at one time.

The challenge continues as I multi-task my way through Spring Break one day at a time (if I could do two days at a time I totally would, 'cause that would be some hardcore multi-tasking).  For today's Multi-Tasking Challenge I wanted to go work on the engine in my car while heating up a bowl of soup on the engine block, but I realized I know about as much about working on car engines as Mr. Bean, so instead I decided to combine a task I enjoy (video games) with one that I loathe (cardio-vascular excercise).  The result was me playing Guitar Hero on Expert difficulty while running on a treadmill cranked up to level 7.  And to add to the challenge, I turned the TV volume down, put in my iPod, and listened to smooth jazz while I played heavy metal while I jogged.

Challenge: 8/10 Trying to keep track of three different beats all at once is no mean feat.

Tasks Performed: 3

Successful:  You better believe it.  Video documentation coming soon.

Pro Tip:  Focus on running first and foremost.  Having your face sanded off by a treadmill does not count as a task, nor does it impress the ladies.

The Insomniac Monologues

         Some nights sleep eludes me and I lie awake in bed, while random trains of thought go chugging through my head, puffing clouds of nonsense into the wee hours of the morning.  This usually happens when something important is happening the next day and I know I need to be well rested, but sometimes it happens for no reason.  It's like my mind's passive-aggressive way of rebelling against my body.  A big "Screw you. Love, Your Brain. P.S.  Here's an amazing idea that will solve all your problems.  You won't remember it in the morning.".  

This is last night's attempt at documenting some of the things that go through my mind when I can't sleep.  


Monday, March 12, 2012

The Multi-tasking Challenge: Monday

          A couple weeks ago somebody told me during a conversation that girls are unarguably better at multi-tasking than their male counterparts.  Now, this may be true, but when someone presents something as unarguable, especially such a ridiculous claim as the one made to me, I feel almost duty-bound to argue.  So I decided that I would prove this person wrong by embarking on a quest proving that I, in behalf of my sex, could execute diverse tasks simultaneously just as well as the average Joesephine.

         Since it's Spring Break, I chose this week to carry out my plan.  So all week, I will multi-task as much as I can handle, as well as doing one major multi-task per day.  For example, as I write this I am also putting my pants on, whereas I normally would remain un-pantsed for the duration (that's mostly a joke).

        Today's major multi-task is actually one I did a while back, and not today.  I decided that the daily routine of showering and then eating breakfast is an extravagant waste of time, and I could shave off precious seconds of dead table-and-bowl time by enjoying my morning meal in the shower.  And so I did.  One bowl of cereal and three tacos, thank you very much.   

Challenge: 6/10 -  There's an art to not getting the tacos too wet, but the learning curve is pretty forgiving. 

Tasks Performed: 3, if you count singing.  There's potential for 4, but the other common shower task is one that I choose to keep far away from my eating.  Even I have my limits.

Successful?  Yes!

Pro Tip: Stick marshmallows from cereals like Marshmallow Mateys to your stomach to create constelations, spell out secret messages, and so much more!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Couple Sunday Tunes

       My name is Roozden, and I am addicted to music.  I'm a beat-aholic, a tune junkie, a note hound, an album aficionado, a song sucker, a ditty disciple, a band buff, an ensemble enthusiast, a minstrel maniac.  I'm a fiend for fugues, and I'm coo-coo for choruses, I'm a crack head.  Wait, not I'm not.  Disregard that last one.  Anyway, I like music a lot and much of my free time is spent digging for a new sound the way Indiana Jones looks for artifacts.  As a result, I listen to a wide and eclectic range of musical genres, including such unlikely bedfellows as Folk Metal, Pirate Hip-Hop, Gregorian Chant, Sacred Harp, and Chiptunes, which sounds   like a Nintendo being thrown down a stairwell (thank goodness there's no accounting for taste).

       Leo Tolstoy said

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Weirdly Delicious - My Strange Food Habits

      While at my Dad's house today I was forced to confront the fact that there is rarely anything (I want) to eat there.  Due to my Dad's diet, there was no bread, no milk, no potatoes, and no snack food to speak of, which left me only 2 options: eat some fruit or get get creative.
So I put on my thinking cap.

And came up with this.