Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dear Ladies

         Okay girls, this has gone on long enough.  You've had your chance.  Today is leap day, which rolls around once every 1460 days and is the only day where the laws of the cosmos turn their back and for a period of 24 hours, women are allowed to throw a man to the ground, present him with a mangagement ring, and demand that he marries you before he can get up again.

         Don't think that I'm oblivious to the fact that there are scads of you of the fairer sex who have been waiting for today to arrive like tweens in line for a Justin Bieber concert.  I know that the thought of being

Web Logs, Eh?

          In the '90s, Al Gore invented the internet.  And this was a sign.  For just as the new star appearing in the east signaled the birth of the Savior, the advent of the internet was the herald of another (somewhat less important) birth.  Mine.  Though some may claim that the two events are unrelated based on "logic", "facts", and "non-retardedness", I know better.  And that's why I have accepted Al Gore as my second father, and even though he's never responded to any of my letters letting him know that we should totally chill sometime and do some father/son bonding activities like fishing or playing gamecube (bondage-dates, I call them), I'll keep sending him Farmville invitations because I know he cares, even if he never shows up for the family photos I so politely insist he comes to.