Monday, July 23, 2012

Massive batch of pictures, part 2

More various Alaska pictures.

There was a pretty huge waterfall in the back of that snow cave.  Neato.
I love the color of the moss at low tide.

That's the driver house, overlooking the city of Ketchikan.

The Air Marine Harbor

This is my bus, Lord Reginald Winterbottom III

Halibut fish and chips from the Fish House.

The amp I bought myself as a birthday present and the guitar I bought myself as a going-to-alaska present.

These are slugs.  They're... um... making baby slugs.  Does the fact that I took a picture of this make me some kind of slug perv?  There's probably a name for slug pervs, but I don't wanna know.

Harriett Hunt Lake on a pretty day.

Water on Harriett Hunt

I was waiting for the canoe tour I was picking up to come in, so I decided to wade.  'Twas legit.

Ever played ticket to ride?  Then you'll know that this is a score of absolute domination.  Biggest victory I ever saw in this game.

See that black train?  Yeah, I mean the one that goes all the way from coast to coast in the most impossibly long way possible.  That's the soul train.  And it's mine.  

I can't remember what it was we were doing that day, but we were sure doing whatever it was in a boat!

Fishing trip featureing (from left to right): Me, Bob, Don, and Olivia.  Also Alex but he is neither to the right nor the left.  He's is behind the camera.

Inside the melting snow cave facing shimmering Lower Silvis Lake with a roaring waterfall at my back.  I had to be vewwy quiet so as not to bring an avalanche crashing down on my head.

ZOMG It's the Great Alaskan Pipeline!  Okay it's not, but it's unequivocally a pipe.  In Alaska.  And it's pretty long, eh?

A zoomed in shot of the corner of the previous photo of the pipe.

I got to go canoeing with a group, and this was where we stopped to eat.  A little wilderness chalet where we dined on smoked salmon, New England clam chowder, and some other tidbits.

My fellow canoers.  They were the worst, fyi.  Nice people, but I swear half of them couldn't figure out which end of the paddle went into the water, and the other half were too busy calling out a cacaphony of different paddle cadences over each other to be any help.  Bless their clumsy little souls :)

This is a light in my coach that I hope never, EVER, EVER turns on.  I can't even imagine what it means if it does, but it can't be good.

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