Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Web Logs, Eh?

          In the '90s, Al Gore invented the internet.  And this was a sign.  For just as the new star appearing in the east signaled the birth of the Savior, the advent of the internet was the herald of another (somewhat less important) birth.  Mine.  Though some may claim that the two events are unrelated based on "logic", "facts", and "non-retardedness", I know better.  And that's why I have accepted Al Gore as my second father, and even though he's never responded to any of my letters letting him know that we should totally chill sometime and do some father/son bonding activities like fishing or playing gamecube (bondage-dates, I call them), I'll keep sending him Farmville invitations because I know he cares, even if he never shows up for the family photos I so politely insist he comes to.

          My point here, is that since the internet is basically my brother, I've always tried to keep up on the latest internet trends, so when I heard about these new Web-Logs, or "blogs" as the hipsters would have it, I immediately minimized the Pictures of Cats With Bread website I was browsing (I never close a web-page; you never know if you'll be able to find it again!) and set out to create a blog of my own.  Scott Topic is the result of that quest.

         At first I was worried about making a blog because I'm a fairly average guy in a fairly average town with a fairly average life. Lacking any qualifications whatsoever and in the absence of virtually any original thought, what could I add to the series of tubes that is the world wide web?

I never answered that question, but i went ahead and made this blog anyway.  Hopefully I will occasionally update it (but no promises) and hopefully what I write will be worth reading (definitely no promises there).  In any case I think I'll have some fun with it.  


  1. Looking forward to lots, lots more! :) You're an entertaining read...

  2. There are really pics of cats with bread on their heads!!! WTHeck????? You're awesome, Roozden!!!
