Tuesday, September 4, 2012

roozden scoot 3: buffalo bill's revenge

They’ve just announced the rules of how this works, and I gotta say I’m not too thrilled.  All of us present at the announcement got a BBW branded paper tray like the ones they serve wings in, and tonight starting at 8 o’clock, they’ll be giving everyone who’s awake a sticker to put on the trays every hour.  At the end, whoever has the most stickers gets a prize until all 100 are gone.  In other words, your position in line means zilch, and it’s possible for someone to show up at 8 PM, stay the night and still have a shot.  That reeks to me of an underhanded way of them trying to get as many people as possible to stay in order to drum up business.  If they started turning people away once there were 100 people in line there would only be 100 people here, but they want everyone to stick around thinking they have a chance.  I don’t like it.  Of course, I realize that I’m not entitled to anything here, and they make the rules, but the sign and all the advertising says that the first 100 people get free wings, not the first to amass 14 stickers.  I’m just sayin’.

Now, for some real liveblogging, because this is the future.

Update: 8:00 PM - The fun has begun.  I spent the day playing cards and chatting with my new buddies Ryan, Ammon, Lindsay, and Kami.  My dad swung by earlier and brought me food (thanks Dad!) and came back a few minutes ago to take my brother Cameron's place, since he got a boat last night but can't stay tonight due to work in the morning.  Which brings us to now, and the first sticker of what I can tell is going to be a long, long, night.

Update: 9:45 PM - 2nd sticker!!  They've got the speakers blasting popular tunes and will keep it up all night.  Blazing challenges continue.  Meanwhile, I play my guitar and watch episodes of Community on my laptop.

Update:  12:00 AM - 5th sticker and going strong.  Computer is dying so no more Community.  I've been waking my dad up every hour for a sticker, and soon we'll start taking shifts getting each other up.

Update:  2:00 - AM Overheard while waiting in the sticker line for the upteenth time: "This is exactly like being in a concentration camp!" - Some ignorant caffeine-addled teen girl who clearly would know all about being in a concentration camp.

Update: 3:00 AM - Time is blurry.  All our jokes are funnier.  Kid next door has a rat tail that I thought about cutting off earlier.  The more I think about it the bettter the idea seems.

Update: 5:00 AM - Was there a time before stickers and cardboard wing boats?  I... I don't remember.  I just don't remember anything.

Update: 6:00 AM - We are the undead, and every hour we rise, bidden by our buffalo masters to shamble forth to the doors.  The only sound is the rasp of our feet - some clad in shoes, others barefoot - dragging over the rough pavement.  When we have recieved our sticker, we return to our shallow canvas graves accompanied by Carly Rae Jepsen's 'Call Me Maybe'.  There we lie dormant until the hiss of the loudspeaker summons us again to life.  Maybe next time they'll be playing Mambo Number 5. ... again.

Update:  8:30 AM - WE MADE IT!!  We're about to get our last sticker and then our victory will be assured.  The sweet taste of free wings is already in my mouth.  People are getting lined up for the last time and the mood is pretty jovial.  Last update folks.  After this we pack up the tents and then get into another line, this time to get into the restaurant.  In two hours I'll be stuffing my face with the best wings straight from the herd on Antelope Island*!

*Not actually from the buffalo on Antelope Island.

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